Tag: NAS

  • Scan to NAS – With Synology NAS and Canon MB5450

    Scan to NAS – With Synology NAS and Canon MB5450

    Synolog NAS: DS216+II (DSM7.2) Systemsteuerung öffnen Freigegeben Ordner  Neuen Ordner erstellen “scans” ggf. Papierkorb aktivieren 10GB gemeinsames Kontingent aktivieren Benutzerberechtigung: Gruppe “users” soll Lesen/Schreiben dürfen Benutzer und Gruppe > Benutzer Tab Neuen Benutzer erstellen: drucker Dieser Benutzer soll Teil der “users” Gruppe sein (standard) Dateidienste > SMB Tab SMB-Dienst aktivieren (sofern nicht bereits aktiviert) Erweiterte…

  • Kanboard on Synology Diskstation with Docker

    Setup Kanboard in Docker Install Docker from Packagecenter Select “Registry” menu and search for “kanboard” Search for “kanboard/kanboard” right-mouse-button Download this image Choose a tag, e.g. “latest” Select “Image” menu Wait for download to be finished (53MB) Select image and Launch Choose a container name Select “advanced settings” Advanced Settings: Tick “Enable auto-restart” Port Settings…

  • openHAB – Install on Synology DiskStation

    Prerequisites Java8 package is installed Shared Folder named SmartHome with structure: SmartHome/openHAB /conf /addons /userdata Install Download latest spk here Login to the Synology DiskStation Package Center -> Manual Install -> browse for .spk file During installation: Select /SmartHome/openHAB Select a http/https port: 8888, 8889 Do not install TMPFS or Z-Wave Start openHAB via Package…

  • Install Node-RED on Synology DiskStation

    Install Install Node.js v8 via Package Center Connect via SSH and run: sudo npm install -g –unsafe-perm node-red Locate node-red: sudo find / -iname node-red Start Node-RED: node /volume1/@appstore/Node.js_v8/usr/local/bin/node-red Test in browser: <ip-address>:1880 CTRL+C to abort Autostart Configuration Install forver: sudo npm install -g forever Locate forever: sudo find / -iname forever Create a Startup…

  • Install/Configure the Mosquitto MQTT Broker on Synology NAS

    Install Install Community Packages Source: https://synocommunity.com/#easy-install Search in Community and install Mosquitto Configure Connect via SSH Locate mosquitto.conf: sudo find / -iname mosquitto.conf Edit config file: sudo nano /volume1/@appstore/mosquitto/var/mosquitto.conf Note: if nano is not installed, use vi Locate line #allow_anonymous and edit: allow_anonymous false Locate line #password_file and edit: password_file /volume1/@appstore/mosquitto/var/pwd_file Save and close Create…