Category: Computer

  • Scan to NAS – With Synology NAS and Canon MB5450

    Scan to NAS – With Synology NAS and Canon MB5450

    Synolog NAS: DS216+II (DSM7.2) Systemsteuerung öffnen Freigegeben Ordner  Neuen Ordner erstellen “scans” ggf. Papierkorb aktivieren 10GB gemeinsames Kontingent aktivieren Benutzerberechtigung: Gruppe “users” soll Lesen/Schreiben dürfen Benutzer und Gruppe > Benutzer Tab Neuen Benutzer erstellen: drucker Dieser Benutzer soll Teil der “users” Gruppe sein (standard) Dateidienste > SMB Tab SMB-Dienst aktivieren (sofern nicht bereits aktiviert) Erweiterte…

  • Cloned drive has no operating system detected

    After cloning a windows hard disc drive (HDD) to a faster solid state drive (SSD) the 1 :1 replacement does not work. There was “no operating system” found. The solution was that the correct partition has to be set active and the BCD (boot configuration data) has to be rebuild. Step by step: Start the…

  • UNIX Datenträger wieder Windows kompatibel machen

    Wenn die SD Karte, USB Stick oder ähnlich bereits ein Unix System drauf laufen hat, kann man unter Windows mit DiskPart das System wieder neu partitionieren um es mit Windows zu verwenden. Kommandozeile: diskpart (als Admin) DiskPart öffnet in einer neun Kommandozeile: list disk –> Übersicht aller vorhandenen Disks (auch das Standard “C:” Drive) select…

  • Installing WebSVN

    Prerequisites Subversion set up and repository available   Install WebSVN Connect to server and navigate to the directory where the webpages are located. Usually named www Download WebSVN via SSH from Github: git clone git:// Test in a browser: <server_ip>/websvn → it will show that there is no configuration done yet Copy the example config…

  • Kanboard on Synology Diskstation with Docker

    Setup Kanboard in Docker Install Docker from Packagecenter Select “Registry” menu and search for “kanboard” Search for “kanboard/kanboard” right-mouse-button Download this image Choose a tag, e.g. “latest” Select “Image” menu Wait for download to be finished (53MB) Select image and Launch Choose a container name Select “advanced settings” Advanced Settings: Tick “Enable auto-restart” Port Settings…

  • Synology – Reset Google Authenticator

    Login via SSH Search for google_authenticator sudo find / -name google_authenticator Delete the found entry usually located in /usr/ sudo rm /usr/syno/etc/preference/<username>/google_authenticator Login via Web-Interface Setup a new Two-Factor-Authenticator

  • GIT – Overview

    GIT basic commands list: git status shows all modifications in the workspace, differences of the local repository, etc. git add <data> or . (for all) stages workspace data git commit commits data to the local repository command + comment: git commit -m”<comment>” git checkout <data> unstages data to workspace git checkout HEAD reverts workspace changes…

  • GIT – Setup on Synology Diskstation

    Install “Git Server” via Package Manager Create a common folder”git” Login via SSH and navigate to the git folder and create a new git repository: cd /volume1/git git –bare init <repo_name>.git Try to clone the new git repository on your local mashine git clone ssh://<username>@<NAS-IP>/volume1/git/<repo_name>.git

  • Install/Configure the Mosquitto MQTT Broker on Synology NAS

    Install Install Community Packages Source: Search in Community and install Mosquitto Configure Connect via SSH Locate mosquitto.conf: sudo find / -iname mosquitto.conf Edit config file: sudo nano /volume1/@appstore/mosquitto/var/mosquitto.conf Note: if nano is not installed, use vi Locate line #allow_anonymous and edit: allow_anonymous false Locate line #password_file and edit: password_file /volume1/@appstore/mosquitto/var/pwd_file Save and close Create…

  • Windows 10 – On resume, display log-on screen

    Windows -> Settings Personalisation -> Lock Screen Screen saver settings -> Tick: On resume, display log-on screen