openHAB – Install on Synology DiskStation

  • Prerequisites
    1. Java8 package is installed
    2. Shared Folder named SmartHome with structure:
      • SmartHome/openHAB
        • /conf
        • /addons
        • /userdata
  • Install
    1. Download latest spk here
    2. Login to the Synology DiskStation
    3. Package Center -> Manual Install -> browse for .spk file
    4. During installation:
      • Select /SmartHome/openHAB
      • Select a http/https port: 8888, 8889
      • Do not install TMPFS or Z-Wave
    5. Start openHAB via Package Center if not started automatically after install
  • First Test
    1. Connect via browser to the  server using <Server-IP>:<Port>. In my case port was set to 8888 during installation
    2. Select the Simple Package
      That’s a basic package with an already set up Paper UI and HABPanel
    3. After setup, Paper UI and HABPanel should be selectable
  • Check openHAB version
    1. Connect via SSH to the Diskstation
    2. Command: ssh openhab@localhost -p 8101
      • Default password: habopen


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